New Santulator Release


Santulator is an Open Source application for running Secret Santa draws for your friends or work colleagues. Get your free copy of v1.1.0 from the Santulator download page.

Following feedback from users, the new version includes a facility to import a spreadsheet containing the names of the participants. Santulator in use Santulator is available for free and is Open Source software. All of the source code can be found on GitHub. Santulator is written in Java using JDK 11 and has a JavaFX (OpenJFX 11) user interface. The software is packaged using the Java Packager which in turn uses JLink to build a cut-down JDK with just the modules required to run Santulator. This means you can use the self-contained installer for Mac, Linux or Windows and have everything you need to run the program without the need to install anything else. Santulator uses the version of JDK 11 provided by AdoptOpenJDK.

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